The Online Private Lessons of the hajimekinoko.Hajime Kinokoオンラインプライベートレッスン

Google meetを用いたオンラインでのプライベートレッスンも承っています。
Hajime Kinokoがオンラインで教え、お好きなお時間に受講できるレッスンです。
Hajime Kinokoの主催する一縄会、一般講習会を含めると年間100人以上の方に緊縛を教えています。 安全を第一に考え、生徒様の様々なニーズにお答え致します。 まずは緊縛の世界に触れてみたい方。 テクニックの向上を図りたい方。安全な『吊り』を覚えたい方。 自己流だがきちんとした縛りを習い直したい方。 カッコいいショーパフォーマーを目指している方。 アートとして成立する縛り方。 女王様のプレイ用の縛り方。 日本の古典的な縛り方。 さらに上級レベルとして吊りの展開(空中で様々な吊りの形が変化する)や、秘伝の技も伝授いたします。

We also offer online private lessons using Google meet.
Lessons taught online by Hajime Kinoko and can be taken at any time.

Besides offering private lessons, the One Rope Association that sponsors the hajimekinoko, has been teaching bondage to over 100 persons per year, including giving public workshops. We will respond to all the needs of our students, taking into consideration safety first and foremost.

First of all, we welcome those who wish to come into contact with the world of bondage; those who wish to improve their technique; those who wish to learn safe “hanging”; those who wish to polish their personal style of bondage to a correct and proper one; those who are aiming to give cool “show performance” quality in bondage. We also teach the method of bondage that constitutes an art form; the method of bondage for “Her Majesty’s Play”; the traditional Japanese method of bondage; and more advanced levels, including the development of “suspension”, (all kinds of “suspension” in space with transformations) as well as the secret techniques for special transitions.

Date and time:
We will try to accommodate to the schedule of your choice. First, please tell us exactly what days you prefer. We will then tell you what time and dates work with hajimekinoko’s schedule.
It's an online lesson, so you can take the lesson anywhere you like.
* Internet environment is required at the lesson location.
*If you have a suspension lesson, please do the lesson in a place where there is a suspension point.
Online lesson method
Google Meetやskypeなどのオンライン会議のアプリケーションを使用して行います。
We use online meeting applications such as Google Meet and skype.
After the reservation is completed, I will tell you the details such as how to do it.
Lesson fee



Lesson fee: 20,000 yen / 1 hour
--The minimum times is 3 hours.
--An additional 3,000 yen per hour is required for Kinoko's model cost. Students should prepare a model.
--Students who want a small group-lesson will receive a discount on the lesson fee per student. Please tell us the number of students who will participate.
--Kinoko can speak English to some extent.
If you need absolutely an interpreter, we will arrange a Japanese-to-English interpreter for you at the cost of 3,000 yen per hour.

Please inform us of the following information in the “message” section of the contact form. -Type of bondage you want to learn
(For example, traditional style, artistic rope, S&M play, erotic play, suspension, transition or want to be a teacher) -Experience with bondage -Your nationality -Do you need an interpreter? -SNS accounts such as Twitter and Instagram, if you have one -other comments

Cancellation fees


- レッスン予定日の10日以内 : 30%
- レッスン予定日の7日以内 : 50%
- レッスン予定日の当日または前日 : 100%

なお、複数日予約している場合、レッスン予定日の1ヶ月以内から15%のキャンセル料が発生します。 やむを得ない事情によりキャンセルされる場合は、なるべくお早めにご連絡をくださいませ。

If canceled within 10 days of the scheduled lesson date, cancellation fees will apply.

- Within 10 days of scheduled lesson date : 30%
- Within 7 days of scheduled lesson date : 50%
- The day of the scheduled lesson day or the day before : 100%

*If you have made a reservation for multiple days, a 15% cancellation fee will be charged from within one month of the scheduled lesson date. If you are canceled due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as possible.

Please read the information above and contact us , using the following form .
.Persons under the age of 18 and high school students are not allowed to participate. .If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.