一縄会は、2004年に開校したHajime Kinoko主宰の縛りの教室です。



Ichinawa-kai is a shibari classroom established and run by Hajime Kinoko since 2004.

We propose group lessons, private lessons and rope salons for people interested in kinbaku. Please feel free to contact and join us.

* Like car driving, kinbaku involves risks which can never be reduced to zero. In order to reduce these risks as much as possible, Ichinawa-kai puts safety first and continuously seeks improvement. Please participate in the classroom and private lessons while keeping that in mind.

The Private Lessons of the hajimekinoko.Hajime Kinokoプライベートレッスン

プライベートレッスンは、Hajime Kinokoが一対一で直接教え、お好きなお時間に受講できるレッスンです。

プライベートレッスンは、グループレッスンの一縄教室と違い、ワンツーマンでHajime Kinoko本人が付きっきりで教え、常に見てもらえてるので、グループレッスンよりも変な手癖がつきずらく、よりスムーズに美しく縛るようになれ、効率良く進めるため早いペースで昇級できます。

The private lessons are taught face to face with Hajime Kinoko and can be scheduled at any time.

Safety is our priority and we answer our students need.

- Persons who want to experience the world of kinbaku.
- Persons who want to improve their technique.
- Persons willing to study safe suspension.
- Persons who have already their own style of shibari but want to correct their practice.
- Persons who aim at performances and public shows.
- Persons practicing shibari for arts.
- Dominatrix using shibari for their sessions.
- Persons interested in classic Japanese shibari.
Additionally, in the advanced level, we will teach suspended transitions (switching between various suspensions poses in the air) and some other secret tips.

Unlike group lessons, Hajime Kinoko teaches private lessons face to face, therefore his attention is continuous, and so you are much less likely to develop bad habits. As a result, your shibari technique will be smoother and ties more beautiful, and you will progress at a much faster pace.

The Online Private Lessons of the hajimekinoko.Hajime Kinokoオンラインプライベートレッスン

Google meetを用いたオンラインでのプライベートレッスンも承っています。
Hajime Kinokoがオンラインで教え、お好きなお時間に受講できるレッスンです。

We also offer online private lessons using Google meet.
Lessons taught online by Hajime Kinoko and can be taken at any time.

Ichinawa rope classes by Ichinawakai一縄会主催・一縄教室

Hajime Kinokoの主催する一縄会、一般講習会は、年間100人以上の方に緊縛を教えています。
毎回、Hajime Kinokoと複数名の講師が多数の生徒に向けて安全面を第一にスクールレッスンを行っています。
毎週火曜 19:00~22:00

Ichinawa-kai, sponsored by Hajime Kinoko, hold a general workshop.
That yearly more than 100 people are attending and be taught how to tie.
Each time, Hajime Kinoko and his team of instructors provide courses to large number of students with special focus on safety.
Date: Every Tuesday 19:00~22:00
※Prior reservations are not required. Please come directly to our place.

About ichinawa instructor licence講師になりたい人へ

一縄教室やプライベートレッスンで教えている指定のカリキュラムをパスすると、Hajime Kinokoが認めたオフィシャルの講師になれます。

Hajime Kinokoから講師に向いていると判断され、Hajime Kinokoから依頼があると、一縄教室に講師として参加できます。(謝礼あり、その他、特典あり)

さらに、プライベートレッスンにて準一種免許取得後、さらに規定の特級内容(早い人で40時間)を受講後、検定に合格し、講師に相応しい人格と判断された場合に、Hajime Kinokoから 教えられたすべての縛りを教える事ができる第一種講師免許を取得できます。習得が遅い場合は、60時間以上要する場合があります。
海外の方の場合、60時間のレッスンは、Hajime Kinokoを貴国に呼んでレッスンを受ける、もしくは東京に来てレッスンを受けることができます。




  • 二種免許
  • 3級までの内容を教えることができる。
  • 準一種免許
  • 1級までの内容を教えることができる。
    【条件】二種免許取得者でカリキュラム取得後の特急講習を規定数修了する(早い人で20時間) 検定あり(習った技を二つ見せてもらう)
  • 一種免許
  • Hajime Kinokoから習ったものは全て教えられる。
    【条件】準一種免許取得後に特急講習をさらに規定数修了する(早い人で40時間) 検定あり(習った技を一つと8種類の展開技)

    ※準一種免許と一種免許の特急講習の時間は、早い人で20時間と40時間となってますが、個人差がありますので、あくまで目安です。 遅くて2倍の時間がかかった人もいます。


    High level official teacher license • in Japan

    虹邑 みなみ

    High level official teacher license • in foreign country
    The Ichinawa technique can also be learned from the following instructors
    Brisbane, Australia
    Jake Carl (Nawa Musubi)
    Seattle, United States
    Jonathan (Seattle Shibari)
    South Korea


    Second class instructor license holder.

    おとなわ・まる・澁澤コウヘイ・楠ゆう・Oden・Luis Kordexe・紅・しゅん・とも・雅蓮・進藤渉・Marie Sauvage・Austin・Elfego Magneto・Helena・Julieta・ちひろ・VESPER・Ash・Henry Lee

    Anyone who completes the full course taught in the Ichinawa classroom will become an official teacher certified by Hajime Kinoko.

    If you pass the specified curriculum taught in the Ichinawa classroom or private lessons, you can become an official instructor approved by Hajime Kinoko. There are people who teach people about my Shibari even though they are not official. It may be true that you learned it from me, but I don't know if someone who is not a certified instructor can do it correctly. Regarding the official curriculum, it is divided into 10th grade to 1st grade and special grade, and you need to study from 10th grade.

    There is a test for each level, and students who graduate from level 1 will receive a diploma. If Hajime Kinoko determines that you are suitable to be a teacher and he asks you to do so, you will be able to participate in the Ichinawa Classroom as a teacher. (There are rewards and other benefits) If you teach at least 10 times, you can obtain a 2nd instructor's license that allows you to teach courses up to 3rd grade.

    Foreigners living overseas and domestic people living 100km away from Tokyo can obtain a 2nd Instructor's License by attending one or more classes as an instructor. Thereafter, upon completion of the stipulated high-level training (average of about 20 hours) in private lessons, passing an examination, and being certified as having the appropriate character to teach, the student will be awarded a Level 1 Associate Instructor's License to teach from Level 10 to Level 1.

    After obtaining a Type 1 license for private lessons, students must take a higher level course (40 hours on average), pass an examination, and if they are deemed to have the right character to be an instructor, they can obtain a Type 1 instructor's license that allows them to teach all the techniques taught by Hajime Kino. It can take more than 60 hours for a slow learner. If you live overseas, you can invite Hajime Kino to your country for lessons, or he can come to Tokyo for lessons.

    For more information, please contact us using the inquiry form.

    *The average time for a high-level course for a semi-dual license is 20 hours, and the average time for express training for a first-class license is 40 hours, but this is just a guide as there are individual differences. Some people get their licenses faster, while others are slower and take twice as long.

    There are three types of instructor licenses:

  • 2nd instructor's license
  • You can teach content up to grade 3.
    Conditions:After passing the 1st grade curriculum, those who are certified by Kinoko as suitable for instructors and have subsequently gained the specified instructor experience.

  • Semi-1st instructor's license
  • Conditions:Complete the stipulated number of high-level courses after obtaining a Type 2 license (after about 20 hours) There is an examination (you will be asked to show two of the techniques you have learned)

  • 1st instructor's license
  • Can teach content up to level 1. Conditions:Everything you learned from Hajime Kinoko can be taught.
    Complete an additional stipulated number of high-level courses after obtaining a semi-class license (after about 40 hours) There is an examination (one of the techniques learned and 8 types of development techniques)
    There is a test

    *The average time for a high-level course for a semi-dual license is 20 hours, and the average time for express training for a first-class license is 40 hours, but this is just a guide as there are individual differences. Some people get their licenses faster, while others are slower and take twice as long.

    Official instructor
    Brisbane, Australia
    Jake Carl (Nawa Musubi)
    Seattle, USA
    Jonathan (Seattle Shibari)
    South Korea